CUSD candidates’ forum: Welcome!

By on Tue, October 5, 2004

Welcome to Coastsider’s candidates’ forum for the Cabrillo Unified School District Board election.

I’ve asked each of the three candidates to prepare a statement that I would post under their name. Those statements are below, in randomly-chosen order.

Charles Gardner

Jonathan Lundell

John Moseley

What makes Coastsider unique as a forum is that you will be able to ask each candidate direct questions and their answers will become part of the permanent record of this election. To ask any candidate a question, just follow the "read more" link and enter your question in the box at the bottom of the page.  You must be a registered user of Coastsider, but there is no charge for registering.

When you post a question to the site, a copy of your question is emailed to the candidate, and they can reply by posting a comment after yours on the site. 

Please keep your questions civil. As moderator, I reserve the right to remove questions or comments that are disruptive or abusive. I’m also going to be asking some questions of my own. While users are relatively anonymous, you must have an email address to post, although users can choose whether their email addresses are known to anyone besides me.