CUSD will consider resolution to renovate Cunha Thursday

Why wait till Wednesday?

By on Mon, October 10, 2005

The agenda for Thursday’s meeting of the Cabrillo Unified School District includes a vote on a resolution to go ahead and renovate Cunha for the district’s middle school. The resolution includes an admission that Measure K does not require them to build on new site, reversing what has been an article of faith for some or all members of the board pretty much since the measure was adopted nine years ago. You can download the entire resolution from Coastsider [MSWord file], but the key clauses are here:

WHEREAS, the Board evaluated its options in light of the Committee’s findings and determined that the Cunha site represents the most cost-effective and timely solution for meeting the District’s educational need for housing the District’s middle school students;

WHEREAS, the Board finds that proceeds of the general obligation bonds issued on behalf of the District pursuant to Measure K, the bond authorization received from the voters on June 4, 1996, may be expended for new construction and modernization of existing facilities at the Cunha site;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board directs the Superintendent to proceed with planning for new construction and reconstruction of existing buildings to create a new middle school campus on the Cunha site.