David Hankin resigns from MCC after fifty days


By on Fri, March 19, 2010

Darin Boville of Montara Fog reported the following after videotaping the March 3rd MCC meeting:

David Hankin, newly appointed to the Midcoast Community Council, has resigned. Hankin cites personal and professional commitments in his reasons for resigning. Hankins term was slated to run until the end of 2013.

The MCC now has two empty seats and is in the process of filling one of those, with one applicant. MCC’s seven permanent seats makes it the largest governing board on the coastside. (The Coastside Fire Protection District also has seven seats but is transitioning to five in two years.) All other governing bodies have five members.

The Midcoast Community Council has no official power and serves as an advisory body to the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors.

The MCC has a troubled history in enlisting and keeping members. The election last fall was canceled and all the candidates appointed after an insufficient number of candidates applied. The recent attempt to fill the seventh seat was extended after no citizen expressed interest in serving.

The Midcoast Council also has a reputation as a dysfunctional government body with members sometimes exhibiting a lack of respect toward each other and a place were assertive personalities dominate the discussion.

Link to Montara Fog post: http://www.montarafog.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=482:david-hankin-resigns-from-mcc-after-fifty-days&catid=1:latest-news