Dee Harley declared Farmer of the Year

By on Sat, March 24, 2007

Dee Harley was honored with the Farmer of the Year Award, at the 38th annual Farm Day luncheon. Harley’s farm produces the famous goat cheese that bears her name. American Legion Post 474 Commander Russell Bisonette won the Ashcraft Award for outstanding Community Service. Mel Mello Jr., was awarded the Delores Mullin "Like a Rock" Award.

The award came with a special commendation from Gov Schwaartzengger, but in keeping with the Girl Power theme,  it was presented by Jackie Speier. Gene Mullins was in the house, along with the full board of Supervisors, representatives from Leland Yee’s and Anna Eshoo’s offices.

Speier made a very strong speech, saying "The community’s relationship with the Peninsula Open Space Trust must be repaired." She went on to say that  now that she has officially retired she will dedicate the coming year to doing "whatever I can to protect and preserve and support the farming community of the San Mateo County Coastside.  Call me. Invite me to everything that has anything to do with agriculture, and if I can get here, I will."

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story said that Harley is the first woman to ever win the Farmer of the Year award.  This was incorrect.