Corral de Tierra transfer to GGNRA delayed


By on Sat, December 18, 2010

This afternoon, Dec. 18, Ranger George Durgerian, the GGNRA Liaison to San Mateo County, forwarded this update to the Midcoast Community Council:

The December 31, 2010, transfer of Rancho Corral de Tierra from the Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST) to the Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA) is delayed.  There is not yet a specific date of transfer scheduled.  Predicting exact dates for land transfers is not an easy task as many variables are in play. GGNRA anticipates that the transfer will happen in the early part of the 2011.  Questions regarding this delay should be referred to POST, as the property remains in their possession.  GGNRA will not post any signs or do any trail work on the Corral de Tierra property until the transfer is completed.  Scheduled events will, in all likelihood, continue as listed in the GGNRA events calendar.