Donate a bike at Coastside Farmer’s Market, Saturday

By on Thu, June 5, 2008

For many people on the Coastside, every day is “Bike to Work” day.

Many of the farms and ranches of the Coastside are a long distance from town or school, and pubic transportation is limited at best, particularly south of the Half Moon Bay limits. Owning a reliable bicycle is one way to ensure that workers can get to and from these remote locations safely, and that students can get to school.

Puente de la Costa Sur in Pescadero works diligently to provide bicycles to agricultural workers of the South Coast alongside a broad menu of health and human services.

In addition to the E-waste Collection event this Saturday, June 7th at the The Coastside Farmer’s Market in Half Moon Bay in cooperation with Puente de la Costa Sur is also hosting a bicycle drive, serving as a collection site for used bicycles in good condition.

Bicycles in good working order can be delivered to the Market from 8:30 AM to 2 PM, along with obsolete computers, home electronics and microwaves destined for the recycling.

The Market cannot accept bicycles destined for scrap, or bikes that require extensive repairs to be safe and reliable.

Erin Tormey
Coastside Farmers Markets

In Half Moon Bay @ Shoreline Station
Saturdays, 9 am to 1 pm

In Pacifica @ Rockaway Beach
Wednesdays, 2:30 -6:30pm