Don’t forget to vote


By on Tue, November 6, 2007

Today is election day, with seats contested in the Half Moon Bay and Point Montara Fire Protection Districts, Midcoast Community Council, and Montara Water and Sanitary District. The election in the Coastside County Water District election is virtually uncontested, and the Half Moon Bay City Council election is literally uncontested.

Local races can seem confusing and insignificant, but it’s important that you show up and vote. Take a minute to review our election coverage.

We’ve posted our recommendations for Montara Water and Sanitary, and the Point Montara (Montara and Moss Beach) and HMB (HMB and El Granada) Fire Protection Districts, as well as recommendations from two major political action committees. We’re making no recommendation in the Midcoast Community Council race, but there are plenty of MCC candidates worthy of your vote.

Regardless of who you choose, get out and vote.  Your vote counts more in these local elections than anywhere else.