Letter: Elkus Ranch cuts the ribbon on its Enabling Garden

Press release

By on Sun, May 10, 2009

Friday morning, friends and supporters of Richard J. Elkus Youth Ranch joined together in the glorious weather and cut the ribbon on their new Enabling Garden. 

As the crowd of about 50 watched representatives of the Atkins Foundation and Silicon Valley Community Foundation, the garden’s lead funders, cut the green ribbon opening a raised bed garden designed to accommodate those with impaired mobility.  One raised bed was even designed sort of like a desk so that those in wheel chairs could wheel right up and get to work. 

Once again Elkus Ranch fulfills the vision of it’s namesake donor Mr. Elkus of providing a spot where regardless of their physical limitations, people can learn, hands on, about the relationship between themselves and the food and fiber that satisfies their needs.  Go pay a visit when you can, or consider sending your kids to one of their summer camp sessions.  It’s a knockout!