Energy efficiency rebate workshop, Wednesday

Press release

By on Sat, September 10, 2011

Coastside homeowners are invited to attend a free workshop to learn how to receive rebates of up to $8,000 to implement energy-saving home improvements. The home energy upgrade workshop will be held on Wednesday, September 14, 2011, 7 – 8:30 pm at the Half Moon Bay Library, at 620 Correas Street.

Attendees of the workshop will learn how they can participate in the Energy Upgrade California rebate program which encourages homeowners to take a “whole house” approach to energy saving. An energy upgrade can increase a home’s efficiency by 10 to 40 percent through “fixed” improvements like insulation, duct sealing and energy-efficient windows. The workshop will discuss the various energy upgrades available. A homeowner and participating contractor in the program will also speak about their experiences with a recent upgrade project and the energy saving results it achieved.

The County of San Mateo announced last month that it would match the current rebates provided by PG&E allowing San Mateo County homeowners to receive $2,000 for the Basic Upgrade and up to $8,000 for the Advanced Upgrade depending on the amount of energy saved in the home.

To be eligible for the rebates, the work must be performed by an Energy Upgrade California trained contractor. All contractors participating in the program undergo specialized training before performing home energy upgrades and are part of an ongoing quality assurance program. Homeowners attending the workshops will have an opportunity to meet the participating contractors serving San Mateo County. Homeowners can access workshop information at To learn more about available rebates, tax credits and the benefits of a home energy upgrade, or for help finding a qualified local contractor, San Mateo County homeowners can visit or call the San Mateo County Energy Upgrade California Hotline at 650-762-5440 for more information.