Enjoy dinner and a movie Friday in HMB

Press release

By on Wed, July 11, 2007


The regrettable fire at the Methodist Sanctuary makes a temporary change of venue necessary for the Coastside Film Society’s monthly film screening. This month’s film will be screened at the Enso Gallery (at the end of Kelly near the Pacific).

Enso owner Mauro Fortissimo will offer a buffet of soup and salad at 6:30 for those who want a pre-screening meal.  Bay Books in Strawflower Village has tickets for $13, which include both the buffet and the film. Please buy your tickets by Thursday. Separate tickets for just the film can also be purchased at the door for $6.00 per person.

Feature: Yi Yi (173 mins)

Yi Yi has been one of the most critically acclaimed films of the decade. The National Society of Film Critics gave it a "Best Picture" award. It also won the "Best Director" award at Cannes and both the New York Film Critics Circle and the Los Angeles Film Critics Association crowned it "Best Foreign Film of the Year" in 2000.

The movie is a portrait of three generations of a Taiwanese family. They live successful and affluent lives, haunted by life’s opportunities and doubts. Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times said "Only rarely is a film this observant and tender about the ups and downs of daily existence.

The movie is all about the currents of life, revealed through characters we can identify with and care about. The protagonist is an electronics executive whose comfortable world is rocked by a chance encounter with his first love; a girl maybe he should have married 30 years ago.  While he ponders his past and his present we gradually get to know the people who frame his life; his wife, his mother-in-law, his teenaged daughter, and the 8-year old son who always seems to drop his water balloons on the wrong head.

A.O. Scott of the The New York Times freely admits his eyes were damp as he watched the final credits "I struggled to identify the overpowering feeling that was making me tear up. Was it grief? Joy? Mirth? Yes, I decided, it was all of these. But mostly, it was gratitude."

Friday, July 13, 7:30 p.m. (buffet at 6:30)
Enso Gallery, 131 Kelly Ave, Half Moon Bay, CA

Buffet of soup and salad $7:00 starts at 6:30
Donation for film: $6.00 starts at 7:30

For more information and a short clip from the film see: www.hmbfilm.org