Equine herpes virus is national news

By on Wed, March 28, 2007

A virus outbreak that has killed three horsed and quarantined several Coastside stables has also caused the cancellation of several horse events in the Bay Area, reports Lisa M. Kreiger in the County Times. Many newspapers across the country have picked up an AP story on the outbreak.

The chain of death is traced back to the Nov. 29 arrival of a shipment of five horses from Germany to New York. An animal headed to California died shortly after arrival. A racehorse at Golden Gate Fields in Albany died in December, forcing a quarantine at all three Bay Area racetracks.

The virus has since caused outbreaks in 10 states, killing expensive race horses, a famous Palm Beach polo pony and several pasture ornaments.

Between 30 and 50 percent of sick horses will die. Those that survive may take up to six months to recover.

No one seems to know how the virus came to the Coastside, but investigators are looking for the trail.