Exciting weather in store?


By on Fri, June 3, 2011

“…Plenty of moisture has been entrained into this system and the way the system will interact with the coast in terms of orographic enhancements… this looks like a potentially record-breaking event for our area for early June.

“Latest AMSU [Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit, microwave sounder designed primarily to obtain temperature profiles in the upper atmosphere] precipitable water estimates give well over an inch of rain wrapped up in this system. Models continue previous trends of bringing light rain to the North Bay later today and spreading south through the greater SF Bay by evening… then reaching the Monterey Bay Area before midnight. Heaviest rain is expected overnight tonight into Saturday morning. But as the upper low is forecast to remain wobbling off the coast through Sunday… shower chances will persist through the weekend. Models indicate a break in the rainfall after noon tomorrow… with renewed shower chances overnight into Sunday.

“Storm total QPF [Quantitative Precipitation Forecast] expected with this system gives 2–5 inches across the wettest areas including North Bay hills… Santa Cruz Mountains and the Santa Lucias. Inland lower areas could get upwards of 1–2 inches total. …”

Thus the NWS.
