Farmers’ opposition holds up coastal trail

By on Mon, July 11, 2005

Opposition from neighboring farmers is holding up the building of coastal trails on State Parks property at Whaler’s Cove, near Pigeon Point Lighthouse, according to the Examiner.

The Peninsula Open Space Trust bought the land for $2.6 million in 2000 from a hotel developer.  After tearing down the partially-built hotel, they gave the land to the state Parks Department with the agreement that POST would build four trails, including one to the beach.

The construction of the trails has been held up by neighboring farmers who are concerned that public access could mean exposure to chemicals for hikers, trespass, and theft of produce.

The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors has given farmers and conservationists 90 days to come to agreement. But that could be appealed to the Coastal Commission.