Field Notes: Coastside Farmers Market

Press release

By on Sat, August 25, 2007

By Erin Tormey, organizer of the Coastside Farmer’s Market. In Half Moon Bay, the market is at Shoreline Station (at Kelly and Highway 1), Saturdays, 9am to 1pm

Last week we said ta-ta to blueberries, but say hello to this season’s sweet, sweet corn.  It’s running a little late this year, as we all are it seems.  A cooler summer than usual in most of California has a few things coming on a bit more slowly than we’d like.  But don’t get your knuckles in a knot over it.  Other things are happening right on time, like the sun coming out on the Coast just in time for Back-to-School.

Since this weekend is the last true wing- ding weekend I have an idea for you - two, actually. One is an ode to Wretched Excess, the other a counterpoint to the same.  A balanced and truly satisfying summer supper is the result.

Here’s what you do.  Take a nice chunk of single-herd hand made farmstead butter, mince a few organic shallots, some sage and a little thyme, smoosh them all into the butter, then peel the husks back from a tender ear of sweet corn ( being careful not to pull them off) remove the silks, slather the butter on, pull the husks back up so as not to offend, then lay the whole ear down on the grill for a bit as you finish grilling a few Merlot and Venison or Wild Board and Beer sausages alongside big chunky summer squash that you have tossed with fresh sage, doused in a bit of olive oil, interspersed with red peppers and skewered.

And Please.  Lets not have the butter vs bathing suit argument again. There’s no nasty transfat here, no artificial ingredients, everything is quite tidy, self contained, portion controlled and you get to eat corn in the way it was intended.  The sausages are made with organic meats, and the flavor vs fat ratio is completely in your favor.  You should be thrilled!

A nice side dish here is lovely counterpoint in case you are still fretting about the butter thing. Head to Amen Acre’s stand, nab a pile of Ed’s organic heirloom tomatoes & lemon cucumbers. Pescadero’s own Orlando will have the shallots and Aaron from Tunitas Creek Ranch grows some spectacular lettuces, and his father grows almonds. Tear the lettuces and unceremoniously flop them on a nice big deep platter. Slice the tomatoes and cucumbers and layer them on the top of the greens. chop some shallots and almonds and sprinkle over the top- drizzle with a bit of Jim’s apple wine or Debbie’s fig vinegar and some of Big Paw’s late harvest olive oil.  Serve along side the grilled goodies, with a loaf of Jared’s yummy, wooly country bread, a jug of iced tea or a snappy Pinot Noir.  Settle on back and be grateful that when you were a kid, no one dreamed of going back to school before Labor Day.

All in possible in theory this week, as Dan Garrison joins the Market with sweet corn from Brentwood ( the one in Contra Costa County, folks, not OJ land).  Spring Hill Jersey Cheeses has introduced a line of butters that are unbelievable, and if you have yet to discover Golden Gate organic Venison/Merlot or the Wild Boar and Beer Sausages, well dang, then you have some shopping to do.  You might have to pop up to Pacifica for some of these wonders, but it’s worth the trip-

But if this summer supper idea still concerns you, don’t worry!  You can always prepare for the evening’s indulgence and join the women of Solimeno Dance to work off the extra energy at Saturday’s Market, where they will perform tribal belly dance between sets.  Happy bellies all around!

Our fave fava farmer Ed Dee is once again dropping trowel and picking up his guitar instead, and rumor has it that his daughter is back from England to sit on on a set, for a truly multi generational cross cultural extravaganza.

So there you go.  Eat , dance , be merry.  Summer is winding down, but we are having no part of it!  The days are a little shorter its true, so get up a little earlier come visit us and dance before noon.

THIS WEEK:  New to the HMB Location - Dan Garrison grows great corn in Contra Costa County and is bringing us some!  Big Paw is back. If you are the least bit intrigued by farm-made organic pickles and sauerkraut, make sure you visit Aaron from Tunitas Creek Ranch.

At Pacifica : Dieter from Octoberfeast Organic Bakery makes german style pumpernickle, to die for croissants, and a collection of gluten free DEElights :  Killer Brownie is OOT next week, but they’ll be right back.

Have a great weekend, and thanks again to all of you

Erin Tormey
Coastside Farmers Markets

In Half Moon Bay
Shoreline Station ( at Kelly and Highway 1)
Saturdays, 9 am to 1pm

In Pacifica
Rockaway Beach
Wednesdays, 2:30 - 6:30pm