Field Notes: Coastside Farmers Market opens Saturday


By on Fri, April 30, 2010

Greenings, Marketeers, 

And Welcome to the 2010 season of the Coastside Farmers’ Market!  Thanks to ewe, we are all set and ready to go at 9 AM on May 1 in Half Moon Bay, followed closely by the Pacifica Season Opener at 2:30 in the afternoon on May 5th.  

Let’s start with a heapin’ helpin’ of Thank You’s to our hosts:  The Carrubba Family in Half Moon Bay, and the City of Pacifica for once again making it possible to present this little Valentine to our Coastal communities. And let’s follow that up real quick with a bouquet of blessings on our Sponsors - those lovely local business partners who help make sure the whole shebang goes off without causing an irreparable hitch in my git-a-long. And to the Friends of the Farmer’s Market - you are the cherries on my sundae and we are all incredibly grateful for your trust and support. 

Speaking of cherries - there ought to be plenty coming your way, along with an abundance of the best of local produce, fruits from farther afield, some new folks to meet and old friends to greet!  I’d tell you all about it, but I’d rather have you come and see for yourself! 

I can and will tell you that the HEAL Project Garden Club kids are back this season with May Day delights for you, and that Erica Sunshine Lee will be singing her heart out while you explore the Market and find out who’s new, and where your old favorites are hiding! 

We open at 9 AM, and I am hoping to ask for the help of our Market Faithful’s in making sure we have the time and space we need to get the Market set up, trucks moved,  and all our inspections sorted out so we can keep the place safe, and are ready to  Open right at 9AM,  when the lovely Miss Christina, who promises to dress spectacularly for the occasion,  rings the Ceremonial Opening Bell, made for us specially by our own Silvio Modena. 

Please understand that until that bell rings, our vendors cannot lawfully make sales, and that it is really unsafe for you to meander through the Market while folks are unloading and trying to get set up.  We humbly, but firmly request that y’all Curb your Enthusiam, and wait in the wings - as in on the sidewalks - until all the trucks are out, and the inspections all completed - and our hum-dinger of a bell-ringer announces that we are officially Open for the Season.

We ask, ( beg, sit -stay-heal) that you help us comply with the Health Department requirements by keeping your much beloved pets, feathered, furry, scaled or otherwise,  well away from the Market Area.  Sad, but true fact, is my pooches have to stay home, so do Ben’s Hens, Dee’s kids, and Eda’s darlin’ Clementine.  The guys with the badges and clipboards will shut us down no matter how cute your new puppy is,  and that would be crummy for everyone.

SO - THANK YOU for understanding, and for helping us bring you the best Farmers’ Market we know how to produce for you! 

Dang - I can hardly wait for Sunday morning, when I , for one, will be enjoying an incredible breakfast that features lovely pastured coastal eggs, poached and serves over spring potatoes (sliced real thin and steamed with herbs and perhaps a sliver of smoked duck) , a saute of spring onions with italian spinach and some sassy Proseco from the shop around the corner.

See you at the Market!


Founder, Manager
Coastside Farmers’ Markets
Half Moon Bay • Pacifica