Film: We can learn from the Cuban fuel crisis, Friday

Press release

By on Thu, April 23, 2009

How Cuba Survived Peak Oil

When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1990, Cuba’s economy went into a tailspin. Imports of oil were cut by more than half and food by 80 percent.  People were desperate!
The Power of Community shows how Cuba transformed itself from an imported oil glutton to a surprisingly resilient country with an economy rooted in localized food and energy production.  "It shows a glimpse of what is possible when a community reinvests its financial, educational and social capital in its own people and the systems that sustain life - food, energy, and health care."  Alisa Kane "We have a lot to learn from this unlikely role model!"

ARTE CUBANO: Contemporary Art & Culture In Cuba

Director Bob Freimark’s roadtrip movie focuses a spotlight on the art of contemporary Cuba. What he discovered was a exotic artistic landscape untainted by the market-driven forces that have shaped the work of Cuban expatriates. Who says a 50 year embargo can’t provide positive benefits?

Contemporary Cuban music before the screening

The Film Society’s own Warren Haack will introduce the films and play some contemporary Cuban music he collected last month when he was in Cuba. 

For more info and a trailer see:

Fri. April 24,  7:30 pm (music at 7:00)
777 Miramontes, Half Moon Bay (Corner of Johnston & Miramontes) 
$6.00 adults, $3.00 children