Films about forging new beginnings to screen in HMB

Press release

By on Tue, May 22, 2007



The story of four remarkable women who struggle to overcome the stigma and brutal reality of widowhood in modern India.  The protagonist Priya, is an educated and affluent young widow. Despondent, alone and desperate, she seeks solace in Vrindavan, the "city of widows." There she meets three women who become her best friends.  Roop has spent 30 years making her way in this temple town. She knows all the town’s dirty secrets. Her own mother-in-law tragically disfigured gentle Mala. Local Panda priests forced young Deepti into a life of depravity.

These four women form a deep bond and through their friendship begin to discover a way to take charge of their own fate. However, their journey is not without adversity and tragedy from a system dominated by men who prosper from the exploitation of India’s most disenfranchised citizens.

Short:  THE DANISH POET (15 mins)

Winner of the 2006 Oscar as best animated short. This film deals with heady questions such as:

  • Can we trace the chain of events that lead to our birth? 
  • Is our existence just coincidence? 
  • Do little things matter?

To find the answers we follow Kasper, a poet whose creative well has run dry, on a holiday to Norway to meet the famous writer Sigrid Undset. As Kasper’s quest for inspiration unfolds, it appears that a spell of bad weather, an angry dog, slippery barn planks, a careless postman, hungry goats and other seemingly unrelated factors might play important roles in the big scheme of things.

Filmmakers Linda and Dharan Mandrayar will attend to present and discuss the film with the audience.

For more info and a streaming clip of the feature film see:

Friday, May 25, 8 p.m.
Community Methodist Sanctuary
777 Miramontes, Half Moon Bay 8 p.m
Corner of Johnston & Miramontes.
Screening is jointly sponsored by the Half Moon Bay Branch of the AAUW (American Association of University Women) and the Coastside Film Society.