Firefighters get temporary hold on outsourcing

By on Fri, March 30, 2007

A judge has issued a temporary restraining order on implementation of outsourcing by the Coastside’s two fire boards. The boards are restrained until the judge can hear the firefighters’ case, which will not be until May, reports the County Times.

The writs ask the court to repeal decisions by the two districts’ boards to contract for services with the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, or CalFire, and to certify petitions signed by residents who opposed the plan.

Attorneys for the districts and firefighters said they expect Foiles to rule on the writs May 4. The writs and requests for the stay were all filed with the court Thursday.
Attorneys for the districts said the petitions were not valid, and that they are glad the matter will be heard soon. "Our opinion is the petition that was circulated was defective," said Jean Savoree, the Half Moon Bay district’s attorney.