Fishermen express concern about restrictions

By on Wed, March 28, 2007

Fishermen gathered for a meeting with the California Department of Fish and Game in Princeton Monday, reports Julia Scott in the County Times. They’re concerned about restrictions the state is placing on fishing off the coast of California.

The first phase focused on the Central Coast region, from Ano Nuevo down to Santa Barbara, and recommended that the California Fish and Game Commission ban or strictly limit fishing in 18 percent of state waters out to 3 miles, or approximately 200 square miles. Of those, 90 square miles would be off-limits to fishermen indefinitely. The commission will vote on the proposal on April 13.

Officials theorized that designated ecosystem habitats, left alone, would eventually replenish themselves and the fish that depend on them.

But fishermen are skeptical about the science and about the impact on their lives. The state is looking for volunteers to serve on regional adviory board, which will pass its findings on to the state next year.