Fishermen meet marine sanctuary staff

By on Wed, January 12, 2005

Thirty fishermen from the Pillar Point Harbor fishing fleet met managers from all 13 national marine sanctuaries around the country at the Harbor House in Princeton to discuss how to maintain sustainable fisheries, according to a report by Amelia Hansen in the SM County Times.

Barbara Emley, a commercial salmon fisherman and chair of the Gulf of the Farallones advisory council, said fishermen often see things out on the ocean that may be of interest to scientists.

"We started seeing sunfish — from the size of a Volkswagen to the size of a dinner plate," Emley told the crowd. "We talked about it on the radio, we exchanged recipes, but we didn’t tell anybody else about it. Maybe, we thought, this would be of interest to an oceanographer.’

Discussions included consideration of moving the sanctuary office from Half Moon Bay to the harbor.