Former employees bring Money’s Mushroom farm back from the dead

By on Fri, June 2, 2006

Six former former employees of Money’s Mushrooms in Pescadero have bought the company and are leasing the property from the Hong Kong investment company that bought the bankrupt mushroom farm.  They mortgaged their homes to do it, reports the County Times.

"We wanted to fight for this farm. Our lives were growing mushrooms. We knew that they could be profitable, or at least make jobs for people," said Teresa Godoy, now head grower at the newly renamed Pacific Coast Mushrooms.

Since the farm reopened in October 2005, it has rehired 120 workers and replanted three of the mushroom-growing warehouses on the 700-acre site. The company recently broke even and expects to make an $8 million to $10 million profit in the coming fiscal year, according to co-owner and marketing director Linda Tichenor.