Free pizza and iPod raffle at HMBHS College Night, Thursday

Press release

By on Sun, March 23, 2008

Sponsored by the HMBHS Parent Advisory Council (PAC).

Join us on Thursday, March 27 at 5:45 PM in the HMB High School gym.
Listen to speakers from the University of California, California State University and Community College systems. Ask questions of the HMBHS Student Alumni Panel from UC Santa Cruz, Berkeley and San Diego, Sonoma and Sacramento State Univs. USC, and more! Chat with representatives from Notre Dame de Namur, Menlo College, SF Academy of Art, SF City College Culinary Academy, UC Santa Cruz, SF State Univ. College of San Mateo, Western New England College, ROP, AAUW and more.

There will be free pizza and iPod raffle.  Questions?  Call Jan Clark, PAC President @ 712-9596.