Friday: Five short films by Coastsiders

Press release

By on Tue, March 7, 2006

Coastside Film Society

Friday night, Coastside Film Society presents five short films produced by Coastsiders.  The organizers say that the films are very kid friendly, although "Twilight" has a dark theme and is last in the program.

Click "read more" for descriptions of the films and other details.

Spirit of the Land (28 mins)  A Documentary that follows the Yup’ik Eskimos of Western Alaska through the cycle of the seasons.  It is a poignant film showing Eskimos struggling to keep in touch with ancient traditions in the modern world. By Gail Evenari of Half Moon Bay.

Just Like Me but Different (8 mins)  Pilot for a children’s series about global diversity. Shot recently in Oaxaca, Mexico by Gail Evenari.  A young boy watches over a turtle as she lays her eggs, then joins other children helping the hatchlings return to the sea.

Last Journey for the Leatherback?  (27 mins) Documentary that takes a hard-hitting look at the plight of the leatherback sea turtle and its fellow ocean dwellers. Uses graphics, video footage, & interviews to tell the story.  Brought to us by Mary Moseley of the Pacifica Sea Turtle Restoration Project.

10 minute break to meet the filmakers

Lighten Up (11 mins)  From John Tedesco & Half Moon Bay’s own Michael Lederman. The story of a young boy trying to secure his Dads attention during a breakfast at Half Moon Bays Original Johnny’s diner.

Twilight (20 mins)  A film in Russian about a mother’s search for her missing daughter. By student filmmaker Victoria Gamburg of SF State.  Winner of the Golden Gate Award for Best Narrative Short at the San Francisco International Film Festival.

Final break to meet the filmakers

Friday, Feb 10th 8pm
Community Methodist Sanctuary
777 Miramontes, Half Moon Bay
Corner of Johnston & Miramontes
$6.00 donation per person

For more information see: