Friday’s Documentary a must see for Lovers of Art & Totalitarianism


By on Wed, March 13, 2013

The Desert of Forbidden Art(80 mins)

Coastside Film Society Film Night
Friday, March 15, 7:30 p.m.
Community United Methodist Sanctuary 777 Miramontes St., Half Moon Bay
Suggested donation: $8 adults, $3 for children and students

Nukus is a remote capital deep inside Uzbekistan, a Central Asian country where water is scarce and 120-degree weather is common. It's an unlikely location for one of the world's greatest avant-garde art collections. It took filmmakers Amanda Pope and Tchavdar Georgiev six years to get access to the collection, to shoot all the film needed to illustrate this remarkable collection, and to capture all the interviews needed to tell the story of the remarkable man who was able to create this artistic oasis in the remote Uzbek outback.

It all began when Uzbekistan was still part of the Soviet Union, and modern art and artists were being harshly persecuted by Stalin. Wannabe artist Igor Savitsky came to Uzbekistan as part of an archeological expedition, and found himself surrounded by talented Soviet artists hiding out in the Uzbek outback. Realizing he could never produce work as beautiful as what he was seeing, he redirected his passion to collecting the forbidden art he loved. In time his collection grew to over 40,000 pieces housed in the folk art museum he talked the state into founding.

"The Desert of Forbidden Art provides a dramatic examination of the power of art against forces of repressive tyranny. It is a fascinating work that will ennoble art lovers, students of Russian history, and anyone who believes in the power of culture." Phil Hall,

For more info:

Preview of the film at: