Get an RSS feed of Coastsider comments, and more

By on Thu, December 20, 2007

We’ve added a new way to keep track of comments as they are posted on Coastsider: an RSS feed of new comments. You can use our comment feed in a few ways:

If you already have an RSS reader, such as NetNewswire, Google Reader, just add the address as you would any other feed.

If you use My Yahoo, click on "Personalize this page" at the top of the page and select "Add RSS feed…", and enter the address

You can view this address and create a bookmark directly in Safari, Firefox, or Internet Explorer 7.

You can also use this feed in lots of other customized pages and social networks.  There’s a permanent link to this feed on the right side of the page, about halfway down, under "Coastsider feeds"

BONUS FEATURE: The links in "Recent Comments" now point to specific comments in each thread, and not just to the story being commented on. Try it out.