Give the gift of good: A Puente gift card

By on Tue, December 15, 2009


When Millie Dosh turned 70, her friends around the world wanted to celebrate her with the gift of community service and support. That’s when Brenda and Tom found Puente and gifted us with their time at our monthly food distribution as well as with things we needed like baby wipes, welcome bags for newcomers, and books for our bilingual children’s library.  Their great work was done in Millie’s name and the day that Brenda brought the books was memorable as you can see in the photo below.
Our supporters find many ways to bring their gifts to Puente and we hope that this season you will once again support our work.
Puente gift cards are a unique, personal and thoughtful way to both honor a beloved with a gift as well as support the important work of Puente de la Costa Sur.  
Gift giving is easy with the safe and secure credit card donation option provided through Network for Good.
Puente will provide you or your gift recipient with a special card for the occasion.
Holiday narratives  in every faith tradition remind us that we have the opportunity to bring light to others. At Puente, every day provides us with the opportunity to bring light and hope to those around us. As you consider your holiday gift options, we hope that you’ll think of making a gift that honors your beloved as well as provides support for the services that Puente provides.
We’re grateful for you and the many ways you support Puente.
Happy holidays filled with light to you and yours,

[email protected]
650.879.1691 ext. 144