Global Oneness: Part Two, Saturday

Press release

By on Tue, July 28, 2009


On Saturday August 1st, The Visionary Edge will screen the second film in the Global Oneness Project series entitled Global Oneness: An Invitation to Re-Imagine Your Relationship to the Worl? The event will be co-hosted by and presented at the Community United Methodist Church in Half  Moon Bay.   

Part One of this film series explored the unexamined assumptions that form the very basis of our civilization and asked the questions  "What if the world embodied out highest potential?  What would it look like?"  The Global Oneness Project explores how the radically simple notion of interconnectedness can be lived in our increasingly complex world. 

In this second installment The Global Oneness Project filmmaker Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee travels around  the globe to show us how people in different cultures are expressing and living the concept of oneness, from Australia to Africa, Ecuador, India, Tibet, the United States and more.   

Youth worker Nelsa Libertad Curbelo Cora describes the inspiration behind Barrio de Paz (Peace Town), a non-violent youth movement in Guayaquil, Ecuador. It brings together street gangs to provide services to the struggling community. Gang members band together out of a need for unity, structure, and love when their social fabric has been torn apart. Mirroring the society that marginalizes them, gangs use this unity for domination and aggression. Nelsa shows how this instinct toward oneness can be transformed into a power of service, life, and love. 

In The Land Owns Us Bob Randall, a Yankunytjatjara elder and traditional owner of Uluru (Ayer’s Rock) in Australia, explains how the connectedness of every living thing to every other living thing is not just an idea but a way of living. This way includes all beings as part of a vast family and calls us to be responsible for this family and care for the land with unconditional love and responsibility.

Don Alverto Taxo, a Quichua elder and Iachak (community leader/healer), speaks of the ancient prophecy of the eagle and the condor meeting to bring a new harmony into the world. Don Alverto invites us all to trust the universal human intuition to bring greater harmony into our lives, and to seek after life’s deeper meaning.

An additional eight segments continue to inspire and delight with ideas and projects that can be implemented anywhere in the world.  "The biggest impact this project had on me was to illustrate that we, the people, are the ones who will change the world.  We see what needs to be done and we will find ways to do it!" says Reba Vanderpool of The Visionary Edge.  "It is happening all over the world."

Producer, director, musician, composer and founder of The Global Oneness Project, Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee, states "We hope that by showing the diverse ways oneness is expressed—in the fields of sustainability, conflict resolution, spirituality, art, economics, indigenous culture, and social justice—others will be inspired to create solutions to personal and community challenges from their own lived understanding of oneness."

The Global Oneness Project is a special project of Kalliopeia Foundation, a private grant-making foundation in northern California committed to honoring the unity at the heart of life’s rich diversity.

Saturday, August 1st. Doors will open at 7:00pm, event begins at 7:30 at the Community United Methodist Church, 777 Miramontes Street (at Johnston), HMB. The event is free; donations will be accepted to cover the costs of screening. Call 650-560-0200 for information and reservations. 

Located in Half Moon Bay, The Visionary Edge produces events to inform, inspire, and empower us all to create a wiser, sustainable and more compassionate world.

Running Time:  88 minutes
