Granada Sanitary District director resigns

By on Fri, January 21, 2005

P. Shawn McGraw, director the Granada Sanitary District (GSD), resigned her position on the board on Thursday, January 20.  She cited a desire to spend more time with her family and a new job as reasons for needing to step down.  Her seat on the board would have been contested in the next general election in November, 2005.

The board will hold a special meeting on Thursday, January 27 at 6:30pm to decide how to fill McGraw’s position. According to GSD vice president Leonard Woren, the board must either appoint a replacement or call a special election with 60 days.  However, Woren believes that the next available date for a special election will be November.

At the regular meeting on Thursday, January 20, the board held its annual officer elections. Matthew Clark is now the Board President and Leonard Woren remains Vice President. Woren continues representing GSD on the board of the Sewer Authority Midcoastside and Ric Lohman replaces McGraw as the second representative.