Grand-reopening of film night in Half Moon Bay: World War II Propaganda

The Coastside Film Society invites you to our Grand-Reopening presentation: World War II Propaganda
How animation and shorts made before, during and after WW II taught us what to think.
The Coastside Film Society is roaring back in our new venue - the beautiful new Coastside Adult Community Center. Come celebrate our grand re-opening and bring your friends. It’s an amazing show and we’ve lowered ticket prices for this special occasion.
For the fifth year in a row Karl Cohen, world-renowned film scholar, hosts a night of animation he has assembled for the Film Society. This program explores how short films were used to rally the American public to war and then, later cool down our bloodlust and get us to rebuild a world ravaged by war.
These films provide a fascinating look at how Bugs Bunny, Donald Duck, Daffy and other animated stars persuaded us to recycle, pay our taxes to buy guns, guns and more guns and laugh at Hitler. Warning: Some of these films were designed to inflame our rage and will now be seen as deeply offensive.
Friday, May 30, 7:30 p.m.
Coastside Adult Community Center
925 Main Street, Half Moon Bay, California 94019
Special grand reopening admission price: $5 for everyone
Directions: The Coastside Adult Community Center is just south of downtown Half Moon Bay on main street, but it is so brand spanking new that Google maps and other mapping programs still can’t find it or may take you to the wrong location. Typing in the address (not the name) should get you close. I will post an updated map and better instructions for parking on the Film Society’s website soon.
Full program info and map at