Half Moon Bay Lions Club sponsors speaking contest for high school students
The Half Moon Bay Lions Club will join other California Lions Clubs in sponsoring 75th Annual Lions Student Speakers Contest.
All participants will speak on the same topic: “What Could the America of Yesterday Teach the America of Tomorrow”. Students should be prepared to speak for up to ten minutes on the topic, but no less than five minutes. Students may use notes or even read their speech at the club level contest. The winner of the club contest will move on to the zone level where only on a 3 by 5 index card is permitted for notes.
The Half Moon Bay Lions Club will hold their contest on Wednesday, February 15 at 7:00 p.m. at the Half Moon Bay Fire Station, 1191 Main Street in Half Moon Bay. All contestants who participate and meet the minimum speaking time will receive a check for $25. The winner of the club contest will receive $75. Students competing successfully through the multiple level contests have the opportunity to receive up to $21,000 in scholarship funds.
The contest is open to any high school student (grades 9 though 12) who attends Half Moon Bay or Pescadero High Schools or is home-schooled or attends a private high school on the coast. Students living in Pacifica or who go to school on the bayside should participate in the contests sponsored by the Lions Clubs in those areas.
Lions Clubs sponsor this annual student speaker contest to provide an opportunity for students to experience competitive public speaking, to stimulate self-expression and independent thinking, and to help students consider the means at our disposal of meeting the present and future problems of our country and the world.
For more information on the Half Moon Bay Lions Club Student Speaker Contest, students should contact their English or Speech Department teacher or contact Lion Jim Asche, the Half Moon Bay Lions Club Student Speaker chairperson at (650) 452-8906.