Hatch presents climate change for children and families March 20

Press release

By on Mon, March 17, 2008

There will be an interactive presentation on global warming at Hatch Elementary on March 20, in conjunction with the annual Hatch Elementary School Ocean Week program where young students witness and confront the natural and altered effects of our ocean on our environment.

Lisa Dettloff will present on behalf of he Climate Project, a non-profit organization with the mission of increasing public awareness of the climate crisis at a grassroots level throughout the United States and abroad. The program is open to all Hatch School families and the community at-large, starting at 7:00 pm on Thursday, March 20, 2008, in the Hatch School Multi-Use room.  There is no fee. 

This interactive presentation will explain the science of global warming and the problems surrounding it. After an overview of the science of climate change, an outline of solutions for individuals, communities and nations to consider and embrace will be discussed.  Details from reports written by scientists of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will be presented as well as recently updated information on the effects of climatic change in the Artic.  We will have the chance to analyze solution plans that Al Gore presented to Congress and we’ll learn how to measure our own carbon footprint.  Finally, we will discuss what we can do as individuals to get involved with the solution to climate change.

Lisa Dettloff was personally trained by Al Gore to present his material on Climate Change.  She is a science specialist at The Nueva School, an independent school for gifted children in Hillsborough, California.  She has a degree in Physics from UC Berkeley.  For twenty years, she conducted traveling science presentations for the Lawrence Hall of Science at the University of California, Berkeley.  Today her passion is educating students and adults about climate change.