Haz-Mat training for oil-spill recovery in HMB Thursday evening

By on Wed, November 14, 2007

From Surfrider, San Mateo Chapter:

Some of the oil has now arrived in Pacifica. This might continue to spread further south. For those who can help or be prepared for cleanup effort in San Mateo area, it is important that you must be trained from the authorities and not do it on your own.

The next Haz-Mat training (mandatory to join the cleanup) will be held in Half Moon Bay on Thursday at the IDES hall, Main Street from 5-9pm. We have been advised that it is mandatory that we attend this 4-hour training session in order to be allowed onto and help clean up the beaches.

Trampling of the oil into the sand in a disorganized effort will push the oil balls deeper into the sand making it harder to clean up in the long run as more material will need to be removed.

If you would like to be prepared for getting alerts and to find out when and where trained volunteers will be needed…go to: