Letter: Hear ye, hear ye, C-Pals annual Spring Ball at HMB community center


By on Sun, June 7, 2009

P. A. Chimienti
P. A. Chimienti
P. A. Chimienti

The annual Spring Ball was held at the Community Center in Half Moon Bay, CA on Saturday June 6,2009.  The theme of this year’s gala event was "Camelot" and all the guests were in costume of the period. 

There were Kings, Queens, Princesses, Knights, wizards and let us not forget the Court Jester!  There were even Nordic invaders come to party hardy! 

Visit our Facebook page for photos of the gala ball.  So have a look and enjoy the day as well all did!  Oh a special thanks to all the volunteers and Debby Lesser, Mary Lou Williams, and Isela martinez for putting on such a fun event.     

P. A. Chimienti