Help clean our beaches Saturday
Coastal Cleanup Day
The 22nd Annual California Coastal Cleanup Day is this Saturday, September 16th, from 9am to noon at over 700 locations around the state. This year San Mateo Countywide Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (STOPPP) is coordinating the Clean-up in San Mateo County, with 26 locations at coastside, bayside, and inland creeks.
Last year 52,000 volunteers turned out to remove just under 1 million pounds of debris from California’s shorelines. In San Mateo County 971 volunteers picked up 14,633 pounds of debris.
We did this last year. it’s not only tremendously rewarding, but you have no idea what kind of junk gets left on our beaches until you help clean them. Here’s how to participate:
Select the cleanup site and recruit your friends, family, and coworkers. Cleanup sites and directions for San Mateo County visit the county’s site. For other locations around the State go to
Check in online. Bring or wear sunscreen, closed-toed shoes, a hat and gloves (disposable gloves are provided). When you check in at the cleanup location you will be given a data card to tally the items you collect. Prizes will be given for the most unusual item!
Pick up trash and collect data. Your data goes into The Ocean Conservancy’s database, which is used to identify the sources of debris and to help devise solutions to the marine debris problem.
For more information contact Sarah Pratt [email protected] or go to the STOPPP website.
Dean D. Peterson PE, REHS
Director Environmental Health
San Mateo County
(650) 363-4968