High Tech High holding a Coastside open house Saturday

Press release

By on Wed, January 31, 2007


High Tech High School, a California Public Charter School located in Redwood City is holding an open house Saturday. The school’s principles include small school size, openness of facilities, personalization, emphasis on project-based learning and student exhibitions, a requirement that all students complete community internships, and ample planning time for teacher teams during the work day. 

HTH will hold an informational meeting on the Coastside, where parents can meet current students and parents from the coast, and get a hands on feel for the school. Limited openings are also available for 10th and 11th grade for 2007-08
419 Correas Street, Half Moon Bay
Saturday, February 3rd 4:00 – 6:00pm
Questions:  Please call 650-726-7125