HMB City Council video is no longer available on Coastsider

By on Mon, March 6, 2006

I have removed the link to the video from the February 22 meeting of the Half Moon Bay City Council from the site at the request of MCTV.

As careful as I have been about getting permission to use photos, art and stories on Coastsider, I made a mistake last week. I assumed that you didn’t need permission to run a video of a government meeting from a public access station. In retrospect, that was pretty dumb. I digitized a VHS tape I made from their scheduled broadcast of what was arguably the most significant city council meeting in years because I thought it was important for the public to see what had happened.

Of course, MCTV is doing the work and spending the money to diligently tape and broadcast meetings all over the Coastside.  And they own the rights to those tapes.

I have asked MCTV for permission to continue to offer the video to our readers, but they have declined to give it.

If you want to see the meeting, and I think you should, you should ask MCTV to rerun it. As far as I know, that’s the only way you can see it.