HMB City Manager Debra Auker has resigned

By on Thu, August 24, 2006

Cheri Parr

Debra Auker, city manager of Half Moon Bay, has resigned. Her last day will be September 15. She has been city manager for just over two years, beginning June 2004.  Auker has been a city employee for five years.

In her letter of resignation [pdf], Auker said: "Now that we have recovered from the disastrous effect of Devil’s Slide and we have important public works projects, such as the Hwy 92/Main Street Improvements, underway; it is time for me to pursue other ventures."

In a press release from city hall, Mayor Marina Fraser praised her for her hiring of city staff and securing funding for the city’s Highway 92 projects.  City council member Jim Grady applauded her management of the city’s finance department, her presentation of city budgets, contract negotiations with city employees, and acquisition of new land. Whenever I called to ask her a question for Coastsider, I found her to be helpful, friendly, and professional.

The city has begun a search for an interim city manager and a permanent city manager. If no interim city manager is selected by September 15, the city’s director of public works and recreation, Paul Nagengast will be appointed acting city manager.