HMB employees asked to support AB1991

By on Sun, April 6, 2008

Half Moon Bay’s city employees’ union is circulating a letter for its members to sign and send to assemblyman Gene Mullin and other key legislators.  The key paragraph reads:

We strongly urge the legislature to approve AB 1991, which would allow for development infill on land approved for development approximately 17 years ago, while at the same time allowing the City and our members to provide essential City services without interruption.

Click to read the full letter


The Honorable Gene Mullin
California State Assembly
State Capitol, Suite 2116
Sacramento, Ca  95815

Re: AB 1991

Dear Assemblyman Mullin, 

On behalf of [insert name of organization here], I write to thank you for sponsoring AB 1991, a bill to provide for a settlement of long-standing litigation between a Half Moon Bay property owner and the City of Half Moon Bay.  The settlement would avoid a nearly $40 million judgment against the City.

Such a judgment is beyond the City's ability to pay and would likely result in severe measures to reduce essential City services.
Our members proudly serve the City of Half Moon Bay, providing [briefly describe the service you provide]] to the citizens. 
We strongly urge the legislature to approve AB 1991, which would allow for development infill on land approved for development approximately 17 years ago, while at the same time allowing the City and our members to provide essential City services without interruption.

Thank you again for sponsoring this important and timely legislation.




Cc:   Senator Leland Yee
Chairwoman Anna Maria Caballero, Assembly Committee on Local   Government
	Members, Assembly Committee on Local Government
Stacey Sullivan, Consultant, Assembly Committee on Local  Government
      Marcia Raines, City Manager, City of Half Moon Bay