HMB History Association: “FIRE! – Organizing to Fight Back”, Tuesday

When that cry of “Fire” went out in early Spanishtown, it brought a special fear. The town was being built out of wood. And there was no set plan for putting fires out.
It took decades before the idea of fighting the town’s fires became organized.
This is the story of how fire protection in Half Moon Bay changed from friends working in bucket brigades to a modern, well trained team of volunteers and professionals.
Hear about the city fathers who first realized that there was an urgent need – and what they did about it. Relive the events that triggered their actions… The turning points, as the fire service transformed from a group of responsible neighbors into an effective force, willing to risk their life and limbs to protect their community.
Join us as one of the most experienced members of today’s volunteer fire fighting force shares his research about history and his personal experiences with the department.
Roger Pimentel is one of those Coastside treasures – Born and raised on the Coastside, and still serving his community. He has been a volunteer fireman in Half Moon Bay for 43 years (currently serving as Volunteer Chief). Roger has also been an HMB IDES member for 43 years. He has a four decade career as an operating engineer.
Tuesday, March 18
5:30 - Doors open, finger snacks and refreshments
6:00 - Meeting begins
Portuguese Cultural Center
724 Kelly St, Half Moon Bay