HMB Planning Commission approves permits for Coastside Adult Community Center

Press release

By on Sat, February 10, 2007

By a unanimous vote, the Planning Commission of the City of Half Moon Bay on February 8 approved permits for the construction of the Coastside Adult Community Center, a joint project of Senior Coastsiders and the Coastside Adult Day Health Center.
The center will house current and expanded services that the two Half Moon Bay organizations will offer to the area’s growing population of seniors and disabled adults. The 23,000-square-foot building will be located on 1.4 acres of now vacant land at the corner of Main Street and Arnold Way in Half Moon Bay, adjacent to the Lesley Gardens senior residence. 

With more than 100 supporters of the project in attendance, the Planning Commission approved a Coastal Development Permit, Site & Design Permit, Use Permit, Variance for a 10-foot Street Facing Side Setback, and Parking Exception for the center.  In addition, the commission adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).  It is expected that the Half Moon Bay City Council will approve the minutes of the February 8 Planning Commission meeting.

Senior Coastsiders and the Coastside Adult Day Health Center have each outgrown their current buildings and need space to continue to provide for current services and begin new ones.  Both organizations decided to collaborate in order to provide a seamless continuum of services for seniors and adults with disabilities. There is no other facility like this on the Coastside designated uniquely for the senior and disabled adult populations.
The building was designed by Zimmerman & Associates Architects of Oakland, California.  They are well-known for their facilities for seniors, and they designed the neighboring Lesley Gardens.
The total cost of the project is approximately $7 million, which will cover construction, furnishings and a fund for continued maintenance.
Early in the planning phase, focus group research revealed strong community support.  In early 2005 a Capital Campaign Committee was formed, which currently includes approximately 45 members of the community. 
To date, more than $4 million has been raised. The funds that have been committed to date have come from individual donors, local foundations, the Half Moon Bay Beautification Committee, AARP, and other sources.

The Capital Campaign Committee invites individuals to view the campaign website at, which describes the many giving opportunities associated with the Center.  Individuals may also contact Cara Schmaljohn, Executive Director of Senior Coastsiders, at 650-726-9056 or Janie Bono, Executive Director of the Coastside Adult Day Health Center, at 650-726-5067 for information about the campaign.