Renewal: A film about faith and the environment, Monday at Holy Family

Press release

By on Thu, September 25, 2008


Holy Family Episcopal Church will hold a special screening of Renewal, a powerful documentary that describes the actions of people of faith as they take on the environmental challenges facing our country today. The show begins at 7pm on Monday, Sept. 29, at Holy Family Episcopal Church, 1590 S. Cabrillo Highway, Half Moon Bay.  The program is free and open to the public. For more information call 726-0506. 

The film begins with the story of Evangelical Christians in Appalachia bearing witness to the devastating effects of mountain top removal by coal companies. It then goes on to tell of a variety of environmental actions by Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, Native Americans, and Christians of every flavor. These narratives offer an inspirational look at the grass roots efforts by people of faith to heal and protect Creation.