How good a neighbor is Mavericks?


By on Thu, February 9, 2006

Cheri Parr
Spectators trek uphill to see what they can see from the bluffs. Click for larger image.

Tens of thousands people converged on Pillar Point Harbor for Mavericks, completely tying up Coastside traffic, stomping all over sensitive reefs, and knocking boulders onto spectators below, reports the Chronicle.

Maria Brown, manager of the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, said organizers made a tremendous effort to be environmentally conscious.

Still, she said, more is needed.

She said sanctuary staff observed disturbances of wildlife and harbor seals by a Maverick’s event helicopter flying in an unauthorized location; saw some 300 people standing on a reef; and observed some trampling of native plants.

"We had no idea so many people would actually go out on a reef," said Brown, whose organization was founded in 1981 to protect the 948 square nautical miles that extend from Bodega Head to the offshore waters of Half Moon Bay. "People need to be educated that they’re stepping on living creatures."

The irony is that there’s not all that much to see.  As one blufftop photographer told us, "Well, you can’t see the surfers, but I got some great shots."

Meanwhile, Mavericks itself has grown into a big commercial enterprise sponsored by Verizon and broadcast by NBC.  As they say on their web site, Mavericks is more than a surf spot in a marine sanctuary and next door to a marine preserve, it’s a brand:

Mavericks Surf Ventures, LLC is a partnership created between San Francisco sports management/sports marketing firm Evolve Sports, LLC and big-wave surfing pioneer Jeff Clark. Mavericks Surf Ventures owns and operates The Mavericks Surf Contest® and manages the Mavericks™ brand. Coined as "the wave beyond," Mavericks™ inspires hardcore athletes to face the unpredictably raw power of Mother Nature, and stirs the souls of those who aspire to challenge their own limits. The Mavericks™ brand will create signature functional items empowering committed athletes to brave their own personal "wave beyond," as well as lifestyle products that capture the distinctive essence of the Mavericks™ way. Mavericks™ will always remain true to its core: a cold, mysterious and foreboding place that demands respect from everyone who goes there and inspires them to attempt the extraordinary.

Surfing is part of what makes the Coastside what it is, and Mavericks is unique to this place.  But how good a neighbor is Mavericks? What needs to be done to make this a good relationship?

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