>> Dear CHC Members, I hope everyone has heard that Coastside Family Medical Center closed its doors on Friday. There is an article about it on the HMB Review website with some details (click on the headline for more detail) . A few of us met on Saturday morning with Barb Neilsen, the head nurse at…"> Instructions on Prescriptions, etc. affected by the Clinic Closure

Instructions on Prescriptions, etc. affected by the Clinic Closure

By on Mon, March 16, 2009

From Julia McKeon, Director


"Sonrisas Community Dental Clinic" sonrisas@coastside.net 3/15/2009 3:48 PM >>>

Dear CHC Members,

I hope everyone has heard that Coastside Family Medical Center closed its doors on Friday. There is an article about it on the HMB Review website with some details (click on the headline for more detail) . A few of us met on Saturday morning with Barb Neilsen, the head nurse at CFMC, to determine if there were any steps that could be taken right away to help the situation. CFMC administrators are working this weekend trying to work out details of the transition but we do know that the CFMC Medical Director will be available next week a few hours a day to help with refills. Patients should go to their pharmacy with refill requests and let the pharmacy contact the clinic. No one will be answering the main clinic number. There are authorization forms available on the front door of the clinic to fill out to transfer your records. CFMC patients through Mills Peninsula IPA received a letter yesterday in the mail notifying them of the change and giving them information on what to do.

The county has been contacted and a couple of plans are in the works. When I spoke with Brian Zamora on Friday, he thought that it would take at least a week before the county would be ready to meet with us and discuss more definitive action. RotaCare is also preparing for a big increase in patients next week. Meanwhile we want to keep communication flowing as we learn more from CFMC. So it has been proposed that we have a meeting later in the week for updates if we have any news. So I will keep you posted on that.

The following week we should prepare for a meeting with the county. The main thing is that we have to work together to make the best of this situation so let’s keep in touch.  If there is a better email address for you or someone else should be added, please let me know so we can all stay in the loop.


Julia McKeon

Executive Director