Irish music duo Four Shillings Short at CCP, Monday, Jan 3

Press release

By on Mon, December 20, 2010


The Coastside Children’s Programs will be hosting the Four Shillings Short at their center on site at El Granada Elementary School on January 3, 2011 from 3 - 4:30pm. The concert is open to all families (please RSVP with [email protected] or at 650-712-7415). 

Four Shillings Short, the husband-and-wife duo of Aodh Og O’Tuama, from Cork, Ireland and Christy Martin, from San Diego, California, have been touring in the United States and Ireland since 1997. Because of the vast array of musical instruments they play (30 + and growing) Four Shillings Short has developed a program specifically to introduce this living museum of World Music.

CCP is looking forward to collaborating with The Katz Family Foundation and the Young Einsteins (After Hours Academy) to bring this cultural experience to the Coastside community.  With the Katz Family Foundation’s contribution, CCP is able to make this experience free to interested families.  We are also looking forward to future collaborations with David Katz, of The Katz Family Foundation, and his programs focused on youth and tutoring.