It’s official: Mavericks closes without a contest

By on Fri, April 3, 2009

Mavericks has announced the close of their waiting period without a big wave surfing contest.

That much-anticipated call was never issued this year, however, as contestable conditions did not develop during the waiting period, and the giant appears to be entering its annual slumber until next season.

"After consulting with a large number of the Mavericks family—Contest Director Jeff Clark, longtime Mavericks competitors, agencies focused on environmental protection and public safety, surf forecasters, and our sponsor partners—we have decided to conclude the 2009 waiting period and turn our eyes towards next season," said Mavericks CEO Keir J. Beadling.  "I want to personally thank our army of more than five-hundred special human beings and seventy-five committed organizations for their efforts in getting ready and staying on alert for Mother Nature this season.  It’s a tremendous undertaking unlike anything else, and we’re very lucky to have such a passionate support crew."