Jim Grady is the new mayor Half Moon Bay

By on Thu, December 9, 2004

Jim Grady is the new mayor of Half Moon Bay and Toni Taylor takes Grady’s old job as vice mayor. After the general election each year, the Council nominates and appoints a Mayor and Vice Mayor from its membership. Grady and Taylor were appointed at Tuesday night’s City Council meeting.

Mayor Grady was elected in November 2001 and served as Vice Mayor last year.  Vice Mayor Taylor was elected by special election in 1999, and reelected in a regular election November 2001.  Vice Mayor Taylor served as Mayor in 2002.

Some of you might be interested to learn that I wrote this story and posted it to Coastsider during the CUSD board meeting using the District’s wifi network. My thanks to the District for opening this to the public. This report is based on a press release from City Hall.