Letter: Keeping It Green With Obama in HMB Sunday

Letter to the editor

By on Fri, November 9, 2007

April Vargas

On Sunday, November 11, Coastsiders for Obama will throw a house party in Half Moon Bay for local supporters of presidential candidate Barack Obama and those in the community who want to hear more about the Illinois senator and his environmental policies.

Maureen Maloney will host the event in her home at 670 Myrtle St. from 3:00 until 5:00 pm. Guests will see videos of the candidate and discuss his proposals to reduce global warming through new initiatives that include increasing energy efficiency, investing in a clean technology economy and requiring that energy conservation be part of the planning process for expenditure of federal transportation funds.

The League of Conservation Voters has awarded Obama the highest environmental rating of all of the presidential candidates, giving him a score of 100% for 2006 and 96% overall.

For more information and to RSVP please contact April Vargas at 650-728-5215.