Kucinich to speak in Pacifica Saturday

Press release

By on Wed, March 28, 2007

Presidential candidate Congressman Dennis Kucinich, will be speaking at an event in Pacifica this Saturday, March 31. The event will start at 1:30 pm and run until 4:30. Kucinich is scheduled to speak starting at 3:30 at Sanchez Concert Hall, 1220 Linda Mar Blvd. in Pacifica. A donation of $10 will be requested at the door.

The Coastside Democrats are among several groups sponsoring this event.

A movie, The Ground Truth, a documentary film of U.S. soldiers’ stories on the ground in Iraq will be shown starting at 2:00 pm and there will be additional entertainment, refreshments and good cheer.

Bring a friend and hear the most anti-war presidential candidate speak out on Iraq/Iran, domestic policies, global warming, and his Department of Peace Campaign.

Please call me at 650-712-0498 if you want to car pool.