La Honda Fire Brigade Launches A.R.F. Fundraising Drive

Press Release

By on Tue, January 11, 2005

The La Honda Fire Brigade’s A.R.F. Fundraising Drive hopes to raise $20,000 to equip the brigade’s new All-Hazard Rural Fire Engine with the gear we need to fight wildland fires on the south coast of San Mateo County. Click "Read more" to read the entire release.

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Through a lot of hard work, the Brigade has secured funding in the amount of $267,000 (see breakout below) to purchase a rugged new four-wheel drive offroad fire engine.  Some of you supported this great cause and the Brigade thanks you so much for your gift.  Now they need to equip it with radios, hoses, nozzles and the other equipment that will actually make it functional.  Sure they’re coming to you with their fire hats in their hands, but they also want to thank you by offering a gift when you donate.

If you donate $100, they1ll give you a brand new fire extinguisher, which may prove invaluable someday.  If you donate $250, they1ll give you a metal "All-Star Supporter" La Honda Fire Brigade plaque suitable for attaching to the front of your home or your fence.  Either way, it proudly shows that you value your local all-volunteer brigade.  And if you donate $500, they1ll give you two tickets to their sell-out Cioppino Dinner AND the "All-Star Supporter" plaque.

The La Honda Fire Brigade answered over 300 calls in 2003, and is on track to help even more people in 2004.  This new fire engine will make it possible for them to manage that volume of trouble.  And with the increase of people on the coast and in the coastal mountains, they need your support to outfit this engine to keep wildland fires from becoming as destructive as the ones in southern California and Colorado these past few years.

If you want more information, call Fire Chief Larry Whitney at 650-747-9447 x103 for the scoop.  And if you don’t want to give for yourself, give a donation as a gift to someone. The Brigade will be happy to send them a nice gift card.

Please donate to this worthy cause.  The Brigade accepts donations of any size.

Donations received to pay for LHVFB All-Hazard Rural Fire Engine (as of 1/5/05):

  • $188,000 Office of Domestic Preparedness Grant (Dept. of Homeland Security)
  • $29,000   Community Contributions
  • $25,000   Driscoll Foundation
  • $25,000   La Honda Volunteer Fire Brigade Operating Budget
  • $5,325   A.R.F. Drive so far

Special message from Fire Chief Larry Whitney:

Neighbors and friends:  Please help us help you.  With this fully equipped rural fire engine, we will be able to go where the fire starts ‹ even through the rugged coastal mountain terrain we all love.  So please consider a tax-deductible gift to your local, ALL-VOLUNTEER firefighters whose express purpose is to protect property and save the lives of you, your family, and friends.  Thank you.