LCP sponsors post-Pumpkin Festival beach cleanup

Press release

By on Mon, October 16, 2006

The League for Coastside Protection is sponsoring an After the Pumpkin Festival beach clean-up at Francis State Beach, Half Moon Bay on Saturday, October 21, from 10am to 1pm. Their goal is to remedy the mess left after the crowds are gone. Volunteers receive a free Commemorative T-shirt.

Print and bring this flyer [PDF] with you, and parking at Francis State Beach lot is free. Picnic tables and BBQs are available if volunteers want to bring a lunch. The organizaters recommend wearing closed-toe shoes, layered clothing, hat and sunscreen. High school student volunteers get Community Service credit.

Lana Ellis
At Half Moon Bay High School, students gathered to get other students into the spirit of the beach clean-up  October 21, 2006. Students in the photo left to right:   Rachel Graham, John Kimsey, Natalia Walicki, Garrett Rogren.  Parent:  Dana Kimsey.